
      기타 [비교문화연구] 제24권 2011
      • 작성자 관리자
      • 조회 421
      논문명 저자 소속기관 페이지
      1. The Psychiatrist and the Revolutionary: Frantz Fanon’s Critique of Colonial Discourse Kim Su Rasmussen 전남대학교 5~30
      2. The Sub-history and its meaning in Independence War of Spain against Napoleonic France - Focused on Episodios nacionales and Numancia 임주인 부산외국어대학교 31~54
      3. Northern Nigerian Garments and Caps: Uses and the Challenges for Socio-Cultural Changes. Muhammad Fannami University of Maiduguri 55~78
      4. Embedded Korean in American Oriental Imagination: Kim Sisters’ “Their First Album” 이유정 University of Hawaii at Manoa 79~106
      5. Persian EFL Learners' Cross-Cultural Understanding and Their L2 Proficiency Azadeh Nasri Nasrabady Islamic Azad University 107~142
      6. Socio-Cultural Environment as a Context and Its Effect on Discourse in Translation Irina Khoutyz Kuban State University 143~169
      7. A comparative Study of English Loans in Russian and Swahili Josephine Dzahene-Quarshie University of Ghana 169~190
      8. Role of amplitude and pitch in the perception of Japanese stop length contrasts Kaori Idemaru University of Oregon 191~204
      9. Culture in language: comparing cultures through words in South Africa Michela Montevecchi University of Turin 205~226
      10. A Comparative Study on the Verb Way Construction: English and Dutch 김미자 경희대학교 227~252
      11. A Debate over Translating VS Localizing ‘Democracy’ Mohammad Ahmad H. A-Kuran Yarmouk University 253~271
      12. A cross-modal naming study: Effects of prosodic boundaries on the comprehension of relative clauses in Japanese Soyoung Kang Hong-Ik University 271~290
      13. The Role of L1 and L2 in an L3-speaking Class 김선영 목포대학교 291~314
      14. English Discourse of Tourism: An Example of Oman Victoria TUZLUKOVA Sultan Qaboos University 315~337